The brewery has been in full production mode for the last few weeks and has found yet another successful recipe in our "Experience Squatch's Best" (ESB). The beer has been described as 'Liquid Gold'. This is not surprising to the hardworking folks at the brewery, as the beer was fermented in the 'Golden Fermenter'*. This is our first award winning brew.*
As with each of our beers, the ESB has a story. Squatch has a history of brewing great beer here in the Cascades. For the ESB, furry woodland creatures would travel for miles to get a taste of the 'Gold Standard'. The ingredients were tough to come by in those days, so Squatch was only able to brew one batch of the ESB a year. The popularity of the beer continued to spread with every batch until it became one of the most anticipated annual events in the area. Today, the celebration continues as a day is set aside for this great tasting beer. This day is called 'Golden Beer Day', arriving on April 1st each year. After a few years of great success the macro breweries across the country started to replicate the festival, but their beer fell far short of the original recipe. So, the day became known as 'Fools Gold', as only a fool would believe that the macro beer tasted as good as the original ESB. Over time, the name has been changed to "April Fool's Day", but at FPB we still celebrate the original festival with 'Golden Beer Day'.
Forbidden Peak Brewery will forever be in debt to Squatch for sharing this unique and amazing recipe with us. It has delighted the lives of each of us at the brewery and we hope it will touch everyone else in the same way. So far it has and needless to say, FPB is struggling to keep up supply with the heavy demand on this beer. Grab a good friend, our ESB, and share in a pint of our finest.
* There is no golden fermenter at FPB, but you could imagine if there was.
* The award won has yet to be named, although early indications prove that it may be Forbidden Peak's Award of Excellence.
Do you take any out of state orders? I am very intruiged by the new ESB. This golden fermentor must be some sort of trade secret of the brewmasters?
I am looking to make a big order for my bar, do you take out of state orders? We are very interested in the new ESB and intruiged by this golden fermentor apparatus?
Only two more weeks until "Golden Beer Day" - hooray!!
The concerned citizens of Arizona are getting wind that the brewery might be making a stop at a trade show this weekend in the greater Phoenix area - I hope this doesn't delay production of the ESB!!
Word on the street is that the Brew Crew attempted to capture the elusive Jager Squirrel last weekend. First of all, that would be impossible - nobody has even proven that this beast even exists. Second, if a beer was made in the spirit of the Jager Squirrel, what flavor would it be?
Much like Squatch, sitings of JaegerSquirrel have been reported for many many years accross five continents and once by an astronaut pilot on the Space Shuttle Endeavor, who while traveling at 17,000 MPH was passed by a beady eyed animal carrying a 1oz bottle of jaeger, which he drank while starting at the pilot and then threw at the shuttles window.
Most recently JaegerSquirrel was sited in the Wedgewood area of Seattle, WA. An elderly couple on their way to the post office reported a street fight between a possum and what was described as a ferocious flying squirrel like animal. JaegerSquirrel detectives were on the scene in a matter of minutes to discover a mutilated possum lying in the middle of 35th Avenue.
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