Wednesday, October 1, 2008

"We Were Here, We Drank Beer" Campaign

Forbidden Peak Brewery would like to announce the introduction of the "We Were Here, We Drank Beer" Campaign. FPB's goal is to encourage our "members" to live an active and healthy life. FPB has made requests for people to send us images of them partaking in adventures in FPB gear. Well, now we are adding something else- the "We Were Here, We Drank Beer" flags. The flags are meant to be taken to the top of peaks, amazing sites, or your favorite watering holes around the world to help expand the FPB vision.

Forbidden Peak Brewery will set up a world map and will post the pictures we receive on the map (assuming they are appropriate). So please, get your FPB gear and get out there and experience what the world has to offer. Below are our front runners for "FPB Picture of the Year 2008" - but there is still time!

Mike and Emily showing off their FPB gear at the Cape of Good Hope on the southern tip of South Africa.

FPB gear shows up on brew masters Skye and Sara on Yasawa Island in Fiji - looks rough. Rumors have it that the varities of Fiji Bitter beer are good, but not as tasty as the FPB staples.

So get out your cameras, get on your gear, and drink beer!


Anonymous said...

I am soon to embark on a very interesting international seafood tour to asia and would love to get my hands on a first ascent flag! How do I go about it? Is the webstore up and running? Please let me know ASAP!

Forbidden Peak Brewery said...

Just send your address and how many flags you want to, and we'll get them to you ASAP. Can't wait to see the pictures! And we'll be making a special announcement about the web store in the coming weeks!