Sunday, November 23, 2008

JaegerSquirrel Merchandise Release!!!

JaegerSquirrel merchandise is now available for your holiday shopping! Visit our webstore at for the latest Forbidden Peak Brewery wearables.

Wily is the creature,
Who is the latest to be a feature,
In our inimitable store;
Captured in ink is the JaegerSquirrel lore.
Elusive is he on his rampages,
But now we find him on the front pages,
In the news and on our clothes,
His infamy grows and grows.
Cunning in the night,
Navigating by moonlight,
The clever JaegerSquirrel finds a way,
To reap havoc and destruction every day.
Support FPB through this special beast,
And don’t forget the porter at your feast.
We hope to keep you entertained,
With this Squirrel who cannot be tamed.
The workers here at FPB,
Work constantly and diligently,
To make the best beer under the sun.
Remember that BEER IS FUN!

Front of Hoodie / Back of T & LS T / JS logo on Front of T & LS T

Black Friday has taken on a whole new meaning this year – you have been warned!

After months of trying negotiations, the team at Forbidden Peak has recently struck a long term marketing deal with JaegerSquirrel, the great hunter of beer. Just in time for the holiday shopping season, we have made our best effort to capture JaegerSquirrel’s fearsome likeness on comfortable black T-Shirts, Long Sleeve T's, and Hooded Sweatshirts.

Following up on the success of the release of First Ascent logo shirts, the JaegerSquirrel line promises to be an epic journey onto the backs of our faithful friends. Fall and winter are the seasons the JaegerSquirrel is most active and are also the coldest seasons here in the northern hemisphere (check a map to see which hemisphere you live in). To help stay comfortable on these darker days, grab one of the JS Hoodies, and if that doesn't do the trick try the beanie as well.

FPB is committed to putting the same meticulous care into the crafting of our JaegerSquirrel clothing line that we put into the development of the first bottle of the robust JaegerSquirrel Porter.

The beast is now unleashed!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome!! Thank goodness I pre-ordered mine the other day, the sweatshirt rocks!