Thursday, November 19, 2009

FPB in Argentina

Forbidden Peak Brewery has now hit South America, thanks to John and his adventures in Argentina!

Hola Forbidden Peak,

Living the large life down here....after a couple weeks of hiking around Patagonia I´m finally back to a place with a decent Internet connection. Here are the pics with my FPB gear so far. First two are at Torres del Paine National Park in southern Chile. Last one is in the Fitz Roy mountains of southern Argentina. Both places are in in what´s classified as Patagonia. Rugged terrain, that's for sure. No sight of the Jaeger Squirrel but I did catch faint tracks of the elusive StrohChilla. One month down, one to go.


John is currently trying to secure a summer internship working on foreign beer relations in Columbia, trying to obtain for Forbidden Peak our first official militant guerilla army - we wish him luck!! If he makes it back with a camera intact, we'll be sure to pass on those pics as well.

As always, send your pictures, stories, and questions to

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