Monday, December 6, 2010

2011 Calendar

Introducing the 2011 Forbidden Peak Wall Calendar. Below are the images from the calendar. Please contact us if you would like a printed calendar for your home/ office.













Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Latest Adventures of Brew Crew Members Ben and Liz

Dear Forbidden Peak Brewmaster,

Once again my thirst has caused me to travel the world in search of frosty brews while spreading the word about Forbidden Peak! The first leg of my journey brought Liz and I into international waters as we made a courageous crossing of the great sea known as 4th lake in the Adirondacks. Because of the treacherous nature of the voyage we chose the party barge named "Blue Lightning" for our journey because of its sterling reputation of seaworthiness. The Forbidden Peak flag was flown high as we successfully arrived on the shores of Old Forge, NY. After hours of searching nary a drop of Forbidden Peak Beer could be found so we succumbed to our thirsts and sampled the Adirondacks own products from Saranac Brewery. After finding that the Adirondacks not only produce fine chairs but delicious brews to enjoy while lounging in them we decided to go in search of the source of this deliciousness.

The second leg of our journey brought us out of the wilderness and into the bustling metropolis of Utica, NY. Here we found the home of Utica Club and Saranac Beer, a brewery that not only survived those dark days of prohibition but miraculously put fresh beer on the shelves just hours after that terrible law was repealed. We were able to infiltrate the brew house to gather information that could be helpful to the brewers at Forbidden Peak. Unfortunately all brew secrets were either written down on napkins that were destroyed on laundry day or promptly forgotten following the post tour sampling. While Saranac does produce several delicious beers I can report, after grueling intelligence gathering, that they have not discovered pumpkin OR jaegar technology!

The third leg of our journey brought us on a quest for fellow lovers of great flavor. We found the greatest source of flavors after crossing the Green Mountains in my home state of Vermont. As a devout Vermonter it was quite thrilling to make the pilgrimage to the Ben & Jerrys Plant. Not since visiting the Forbidden Beak Brewery in Seattle have I seen such an inspiring facility. Inside we saw where deliciousness is created; technology so advanced that photography was not permitted. Rather than risk a lifetime ban from such a beautiful place I subtly flashed the FPB flag amongst the pints before exiting to the photography-friendly scoop pavilion where the flag could be proudly presented for all to enjoy with their ice cream. Unfortunately I visited on a Saturday when neither Ben nor Jerry were there to hear my pitch for Jaeger Squirrel icecream... We had to settle for Chunkey Monkey.