Sunday, December 14, 2008

ShotGun Lager

Forbidden Peak Brewery has made our first venture into the world of Lagers. The Alaska branch of FPB has been set up to brew the difficult lagers in their native habitat. Unlike Ales, which ferment between 65-75 degrees Fahrenheit, lagers ferment between 45-55 degrees. Lagers also take twice as long to ferment, which means it is nearly 2 months of patient waiting until the first brew is ready for distribution to our loyal masses.

ShotGun Lager is a light, easy drinking beer. The straw colored lager has a very consistent crisp clean taste. ShotGun has flavor, unlike many American Macrobrews, yet is still an easy drinker. The best of both worlds (great taste and crisp easy drinking) come to you in this nifty 12 oz bottle. An unusual, old world yeast strain helps keep tabs on the crystal malt and subtle hop flavors. No rice extracts are found in this all-natural brew.

ShotGun Lager is named after one of the more infamous boats native to Auke Bay harbor in Juneau, Alaska. The vessel is known for a secret bait marinating formula, which has led to a bounty of fresh salmon and halibut brought home to happy families. There have been many captains and first mates leading the ShotGun crew, but all uphold the rules and traditions of the sacrifices made for the fish gods. In order to appease the fish gods, fishermen are required to abide by the following rules:

1) If a fish is successfully caught and landed on the boat, the lucky fisherman must Shotgun a beer in order to keep the boat in favor.

2) If a fisherman has hooked a legal fish and by operator error fails to land the fish onto the boat, said fisherman must take a shot of their choice in order to apologize for failing to accept the sacrifice made by the fish.

3) A simple splash of FPB beer over the side (for the homies) may be required periodically in order to avoid slumps.

There is one story of the ShotGun that has made the boat particularly famous. It was the fall of 2003. ShotGun had a full crew of 10 individuals ready for the annual Golden North Salmon Derby. After 3 grueling days of slaying the silvers and kings the crew had a tough decision to make - either risk running out of gas to try one last fishing hole for the derby winner or throw in the towel and play it safe.

The crew was split and a whiff of mutiny passed through the air. The only way to solve this dilemma was to circle around a table and settle this the old fashioned way - a grueling game of cards (the name of the game has been withheld to protect the innocent). As it happened, the game lasted an hour and three beautiful silver salmon were landed in that time. The game was wrapping up and the crew agreed to head home when the deep trolling line took off.

The gas was low and the captain (quick goat thinking) immediately shut off the engine, knowing what kind of a fight laid ahead, to preserve what little gas was left. The crew took turns on the rod for over an hour battling the legend of the depths of Shelter Island. The boat was being towed backward by the salmon (think Jaws, only not quite that severe). Finally after wearing out all hands on deck, the salmon was gaffed and pulled on board (it was too large to net, we tried). A whopping 69 lb King Salmon!

A sadness passed over the deck of the ShotGun as the captain announced the weigh stations were closed and the derby had ended. The glory, it seemed, would remain only with the Tenacious Ten themselves. The captain started the engine and headed for home - a look of both disappointment and accomplishment swept across his weathered face. The catch from the day proved too heavy, as the boat ran out of gas quickly and left the ShotGun drifting in uncertainty.

The sister boat to the ShotGun received the distress call and was able to pull off a successful rescue effort. The Coast Guard and Alaska State Troopers were called in to verify the size of the King Salmon. No one knows why, but the camera that captured the legendary King Salmon and the salmon itself was confiscated from the ShotGun and taken to Coast Guard headquarters. No one has seen evidence of either since.

Today the stories from that day are still echoed throughout the ranks of the Coasties. We know because we have sent an undercover operative into the Coast Guard to help retrieve the evidence from that flicker of glory on our favorite fishing vessel, the ShotGun. “I’ve often thought of joining the Coast Guard”, works every time.

FPB would like you to remember to boat and fish safely. Always have a sober driver, enough floatation devices (cushions don’t technically count) and remember to bring an extra camera. Happy Fishing, and Happy Drinking!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Winter Has Arrived!

The home-based FPB crew was happy to hear of the wintertime excursion of Brew Crew Member Rob to the tropical state of Hawaii. Here we see what happens when your FPB gear is put in the "other bag", which is currently on the way to Hong Kong. Remember to go in style, but if you have to improvise, we'll give you some points for that as well.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

JaegerSquirrel Merchandise Release!!!

JaegerSquirrel merchandise is now available for your holiday shopping! Visit our webstore at for the latest Forbidden Peak Brewery wearables.

Wily is the creature,
Who is the latest to be a feature,
In our inimitable store;
Captured in ink is the JaegerSquirrel lore.
Elusive is he on his rampages,
But now we find him on the front pages,
In the news and on our clothes,
His infamy grows and grows.
Cunning in the night,
Navigating by moonlight,
The clever JaegerSquirrel finds a way,
To reap havoc and destruction every day.
Support FPB through this special beast,
And don’t forget the porter at your feast.
We hope to keep you entertained,
With this Squirrel who cannot be tamed.
The workers here at FPB,
Work constantly and diligently,
To make the best beer under the sun.
Remember that BEER IS FUN!

Front of Hoodie / Back of T & LS T / JS logo on Front of T & LS T

Black Friday has taken on a whole new meaning this year – you have been warned!

After months of trying negotiations, the team at Forbidden Peak has recently struck a long term marketing deal with JaegerSquirrel, the great hunter of beer. Just in time for the holiday shopping season, we have made our best effort to capture JaegerSquirrel’s fearsome likeness on comfortable black T-Shirts, Long Sleeve T's, and Hooded Sweatshirts.

Following up on the success of the release of First Ascent logo shirts, the JaegerSquirrel line promises to be an epic journey onto the backs of our faithful friends. Fall and winter are the seasons the JaegerSquirrel is most active and are also the coldest seasons here in the northern hemisphere (check a map to see which hemisphere you live in). To help stay comfortable on these darker days, grab one of the JS Hoodies, and if that doesn't do the trick try the beanie as well.

FPB is committed to putting the same meticulous care into the crafting of our JaegerSquirrel clothing line that we put into the development of the first bottle of the robust JaegerSquirrel Porter.

The beast is now unleashed!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

AukNess Amber

AukNess Amber is a smooth, well balanced brew. A subtle hop flavor is noticeable but is blanketed by a smooth-sweet crystal malt base. The slightest hint of roasted flavor presents itself initially and then, like that, it is gone. AukNess Amber has a bright amber color with a frosty off-white head. AukNess is an unbelievably clear beer, most likely from the pristine glacial runoff that the beer is made from.

Lake monsters can be found throughout history in every corner of the world. There are the more famous – Loch Ness Monster in Scotland, Issie in Japan – and then countless others in almost every culture. The lake creatures can take on many forms and demeanors; however, they all have one thing in common - mischief. For centuries these creatures have toyed with residents, visitors, and researchers alike, teasing them and leading them to pursue countless misadventures trying to prove their existence.

The legend of AukNess dates back to the first settlement in the now Auke Bay area of Alaska, centered around Auke Lake. It was commonplace for these early settlers to see "monsters" or "creatures" of abnormal size and ability, but there was one water creature that captured their interest more than the others. The creature was described as gigantic, powerful, and as graceful as a bird. According to records, AukNess was so swift a swimmer that he could literally skim the surface of the water, leaving little doubt in the locals mind that this creature was at least part bird. The name AukNess originated from the creature’s similarity to the now extinct Great Auk bird, which were excellent swimmers, using their wings to propel themselves underwater. Ness is of Norse origin and means headland or cape, in this case describing the point that runs off of Auke Lake.

AukNess was most known for raiding nearby villages for spirits and gold, plundering the local’s wealth and libations. To appease this mysterious beast, residents of the area began leaving an offering at the approach of every new moon. A yellow cedar barrel of their finest beer was filled to the brim and rolled down to the lake. On top of the barrel was carefully placed a pint of liquid gold, which has allowed the region’s inhabitants to live in relative peace with the AukNess creature for centuries.

A famed marine biologist from the local university staked his reputation on a 1982 report that a large creature was sighted on Auke Lake on a clear night, moving across the lake at over 20 miles an hour. After spending many years working AukNess research grants, the mustachioed scientist has expanded his research to look for historical clues from the ancient Great Auk around the world. His research has now been focused on seaweed, as the belief is that the seaweed (not unlike amber) catches clues to past generations and hardens into a preservative.

Today, AukNess sightings have greatly diminished. No one knows why but some suggest it is due to the large number of people in the area, or perhaps the use of motorized vehicles on the lake has kept him down and out of sight. There have been many stories of people throwing balls into the water for their dogs, with the ball mysteriously disappearing from what appears to be a webbed hand rising from below.

One thing we know for sure, even when the creature passes through this world, the legend of AukNess will live on forever.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Golden Weasel


The Golden Weasel is a formidable quadrupel Belgian beer. This quadrupel’s full palate is mild, yet pleasantly bitter and spicy. The Golden Weasel is laced with 10% alcohol, thanks in large part to a generous contribution of Lee’s homemade Belgian candy sugar (thanks Lee!). The finish leaves you with a slightly sweet & spicy aftertaste. The dark red-brown beer displays a thick foamy head and features strong malty flavors.

The abbey quadrupel style, or quad, is a product of Belgian monastic brewing. Like other abbey ales, these beers are often produced by secular commercial breweries in today’s market. However, the “authentic” Trappist brewers, from Belgian monestary’s, continue to be the dominant force in the market.

The Golden Weasel has become one of the more formidable woodland creatures. Although small in stature, this creature is often considered to be extraordinarily brave, wily, wise, and graceful (as can be seen when he plays pong). The Golden Weasel has only one natural predator- the JaegerSquirrel. Although equally as deadly on the ground, the Golden Weasel is no match for the JaegerSquirrel if caught up in a tree.

The Golden Weasel was originally from the region that is now Belgium. He loved the rich, thick, malty beers that the local monks would make. After tiring of Belgians and the neighboring French, the Golden Weasel packed up and moved to the Klondike area just before the start of the gold rush. The Golden Weasel (then known as Sir Golden Weasel) was introduced to Squatch by Cousin Skookum in Skagway, where the Golden Weasel would often bring necessity goods (food, guns, beer, pornography) down to exchange with the hungry and needy mining folk. The Golden Weasel would tell fascinating stories of the beer in Belgium and would describe his favorite beer, the Quad, in such detail that Squatch and Skookum could practically taste it on the tip of their tongues. A project was born and the three beer fanatics set off to perfect a quad Belgium recipe that would keep them warm throughout the long Klondike winters. With collaboration from FPB, Squatch was able to replicate this once infamous brew on a much larger scale, for all the world to share.

It was during the Klondike Gold Rush that the Golden Weasel received his name. In exchange for all of the goods he provided, the Golden Weasel found himself toting one of the largest stockpiles of gold of any individual of that era. It was thought that he was evil and cunning, conning miners out of their findings. But in fact, the Golden Weasel was greatly misrepresented in the history books and thanks to Squatch’s new biography on the little woodland creature, we have a new more personable description of him. Squatch considers the Golden Weasel to be one of his dear friends and both have benefited from the relationship over time. One thing that Squatch has learned over the years, however, is never to get in the middle of a fight between the Golden Weasel and JaegerSquirrel – a death wish at best! Once the Golden Weasel gets into his Weasel War Dance, it’s best to head another direction.

We ask that you look past the slanderous stories of the Golden Weasel that exist out there, and know that the true story is one of bravery and honesty. Although it is pertinent to point out that if some mythical woodland creature tells you to kill someone, even if it may sound like a good idea at the time, report it to the nearest authorities immediately. Remember, things aren’t always what they seem, but BEER IS FUN!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

FPB Pumpkins

The 3rd Annual Forbidden Peak Brewery Pumpkin Carving Contest was held this past weekend. With beer soaked brats, Forbidden Peak Beer, and lots of pumpkins, the event was a smashing success. As seems to be the trend, FPB inspired pumpkins are becoming more and more popular. Below are some of this years finalists:

Since 2008 is the Year of the JaegerSquirrel it seemed appropriate to have a couple pumpkins focused on this elusive nightime creature.

Skookum's Gold also made a surprise appearance:

Nice work carvers, and we're already looking forward to next years' pumpkins! To update the fans of our special seasonal brews, an unfortunate growing season in the foothills of Forbidden Peak has caused the second vintage of Pumpkin Frost to be delayed until next year. Squatch has the improved recipe all ready, and we are now just waiting for the frosty seeds to produce another fruitful batch!

Have a cool pumpkin ? Send us pictures!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

"We Were Here, We Drank Beer" Photos

Forbidden Peak Brewery's "We Were Here, We Drank Beer" campaign is in full swing!

FPB is always excited to receive photos from our favorite beer drinkers living their lives in FPB gear. The gear and flags are meant to be enjoyed on the top of peaks, amazing sites, or your favorite watering holes around the world!
Here are two of our recent favorites:

Ben Coven of Boston, MA sent us our first official FPB Flag submission! I think Ben summed it up best in his email to the brewery, so we'll let him take it from here:

Dear Brewmasters,

I write with news! I recently traveled to the hill country of southern Vermont and after an alpine style, solo ascent of (one of) Windham County's highest peaks, I successfully planted the Forbidden Peak flag atop The Pinnacle in Westminster West (the mountaineering capital of southeastern Vermont).

I hope this post finds you well. I will continue to search out lands for inspirational beers and to spread the word of Forbidden Peak far and wide!



Below is Andy Knapp of Seattle, WA, rocking the FPB logo at the awe-inspiring Goat Rock Beach in Sonoma, California. He tried to convince us that he was in Ireland searching for Fear Liath's relatives, but luckily a brewery member was at the same wedding as Andy so was able to thwart his scheme.

Cheers Ben and Andy, and to the rest of you as well!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Arctic Beaver Brown Strikes Gold... Again!

The 2008 Autumn Pour Homebrew Competition took place this past weekend in Juneau, Alaska. The Alaskan Brewery hosted the competition, which had the most entries in the history of the event. Forbidden Peak Brewery was there in full force and came away with a few awards. Below, brewmasters Sara and Skye show off FPB's new hardware.

Arctic Beaver Brown claimed the Gold Medal in the American Ale category. After backing up its success from the Great Alaskan Homebrew Competition in May, the Arctic Beaver is starting to gain some notoriety up north and is now a two-time gold medal winning beer.

A fraction of a point behind the Arctic Beaver Brown was the Ring of Fire Pale Ale. Ring of Fire was one of the favorites at the taste test in Tahoe this summer and the judges at the Autumn pour agreed, giving the Ring of Fire the Silver Medal in the American Ale category.

Forbidden Peak's first venture into the IPA world came back as a smashing success. The Graduate IPA brought home a Silver Medal in the IPA category. IPA can be one of the most competitive categories out there, so this is an especially gratifying award.

Can lighter beers be flavorful and successful? At Forbidden Peak Brewery we believe they can, and we feel vindicated as Skookum's Gold brought home a Silver Medal in the Light Hybrid/ Amber Hybrid category.

Last, but not least, Fear Liath Scottish Ale received a Bronze Medal in the always competitive Belgian Strong/ Strong Ale category.

Creating a great tasting beer is one thing, trying to fit it into the proper category for competition is another. As we continue to explore and perfect recipes, we are learning about the very slight variations that can take a beer from one category to another. As we continue to find and invest in these competitions we continue to learn and grow as a brewery.

Forbidden Peak Brewery now has 6 award winning beers (all in 2008) after adding 5 medals from the Autumn Pour (1 gold, 3 silver, 1 bronze). "We Were Here, We Drank Beer".

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Shop Til You Drop

Forbidden Peak Brewery is proud to announce the official opening of the FPB SHOP! The Forbidden Peak Shop is the place to find all the latest and greatest FPB logo clothing and gear. How do you get there? Easy, go to our website: and click on "The Shop" link. It should look something like this......

Be sure to check back occasionally as we will be updating the site with fun & amazing items that have passed through Squatch's rigorous evaluations. One small step for Squatch and Forbidden Peak Brewery, one giant step for our beloved fans!

If you are new to the world of Forbidden Peak, please register on our Shop so we can add you to our email distribution list. Don't worry, you may be removed at any point if you stop being fun.

Don't have what you're looking for? Shoot us an email and let us know what you'd like to see added to the store and we'll do what we can. We are always looking to be inspired and for new amazing beer and/or fun related gadgets that we can incorporate into the FPB world.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Budding Development

Forbidden Peak Brewery is excited to announce a budding development on the brewing front - a new hops connection in Eastern Washington! When we aren't planning brew events or adventuring around the globe, our never ending quest continues to craft the perfect beers.

Top brew consultant Papa Rob recently struck up a wonderful friendship with Sweet Lew & Carolyn and their recent harvest of Willamette hops, located outside of the Tri Cities. The Brew Crew spent the better part of two weekends hand picking and sorting the highest quality buds, completely drying the fresh buds on the company ping pong table, and vaccuum sealing the crop for storage throughout the winter brewing months.

FPB is looking forward to continuing this partnership with Sweet Lew Farms, and we can't wait for planting and harveting seasons next year! After a few test runs with the new crop, we hope to have fresh Lew & Carolyn Brew samples available later this fall.

We also must thank our Cascade hops suppliers from the great silver state of Nevada- Mike & Marie and Ziggy & Barb! With hop shortages around the globe we know the importance of these friendships and are truly lucky to be involved with such generous people.

"We Were Here, We Drank Beer" Campaign

Forbidden Peak Brewery would like to announce the introduction of the "We Were Here, We Drank Beer" Campaign. FPB's goal is to encourage our "members" to live an active and healthy life. FPB has made requests for people to send us images of them partaking in adventures in FPB gear. Well, now we are adding something else- the "We Were Here, We Drank Beer" flags. The flags are meant to be taken to the top of peaks, amazing sites, or your favorite watering holes around the world to help expand the FPB vision.

Forbidden Peak Brewery will set up a world map and will post the pictures we receive on the map (assuming they are appropriate). So please, get your FPB gear and get out there and experience what the world has to offer. Below are our front runners for "FPB Picture of the Year 2008" - but there is still time!

Mike and Emily showing off their FPB gear at the Cape of Good Hope on the southern tip of South Africa.

FPB gear shows up on brew masters Skye and Sara on Yasawa Island in Fiji - looks rough. Rumors have it that the varities of Fiji Bitter beer are good, but not as tasty as the FPB staples.

So get out your cameras, get on your gear, and drink beer!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Forbidden Events

The summer of 2008 was a very busy one for Forbidden Peak Brewery. The brewery hosted a few fun events to help spread the FPB love. The popularity of these events is ever increasing and we look forward to receiving more requests!

Forbidden Peak Brewery partnered with Eckholm's Shuck Shack (oyster specialists) to host the first FPB Oyster & Brew Tasting. The event showcased 10 different FPB beers along with a variety of the finest oysters from Northern California. The event received rave reviews and will no doubt be one of the brewery's favorite events and FPB will continue to be involved with Eckholm's Shuck Shack for many years to come. There was no individual oyster or beer variety that was a standout favorite, but the combination of Eckholm's Secret Oysters Rockefeller and Skookum's Gold was a force to be reckoned with.

Forbidden Peak Brewery also hosted a tremendously successful bowling tournament at the South Lake Tahoe Bowling Alley. Approximately 60 people joined in to compete for the newly released First Ascent Pale Ale t-shirts and FPB koozies. Fifteen four-person teams competed for the team prizes, and individual awards were given out for outstanding performances. The three hour event turned out to be an epic battle as the scores were tantalizingly close. The Brewery staff was busy organizing the event and wasn't able to take any pictures, so we'd love for those in attendance to please send in any good pics!

Forbidden Peak then hosted two weddings. The Prudic/Stekoll wedding was held on the beach in South Lake Tahoe. The brewery provided tasty refreshments for the pre-game parties and the staff was deeply involved in the ceremony.

The Prudic/Stekoll wedding also marked the release of FPB's matrimony inspired pale ale - Ring of Fire.

The second wedding of the summer was the Quisenberry/Leidich wedding which was performed on Whidbey Island, WA in mid-September. The wedding took place in an amazing setting in a beautiful garden and home. A First Ascent Pale Ale travelling keg was the beer of choice to kick off the reception, and helped to make the day even more special.

Congrats to the newlyweds! If any of you are interested in having FPB join in or host your event please shoot us an email @

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

4th of July Blessing

The crew at Forbidden Peak Brewery has hopes that everyone got to enjoy the 4th of July holiday/ weekend as much as we did. Forbidden Peak Brewery added a classy new look to the brewery over the weekend with our custom wood signs, thanks to our friends at The signs bring with them a true sense of dignity and somehow make the beer taste even better. Need one for your house? Don't worry, in a few weeks we will have the signs available for purchase on our webstore in a few different sizes.

(It's easier than ever to see what's on tap at the brewery)

What else is new at the brewery? We are busy planning a few major events this summer. Our program to create a custom beer and label for events has taken off. We have two weddings this summer and have had the brewery at full capacity to ensure that beer is not the missing ingredient in the recipe for a successful wedding.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


The crew at Forbidden Peak Brewery has really extended themselves this time in order to bring you an authentic flavor of fun - Hijole Limon. Hijole Limon is a straw-yellow ale with a bright white head, zesty carbonation, and a light body. The taste is pure and well balanced with an enticing malt and hop taste with a subtle hop aftertaste. The slight whisper of tequila and hint of lime smoothness help round out the body. Hijole finishes with a mild, clean aroma.

There are several "lime" flavored beers coming on the market these days, but none seem to capture the true essence of the fresh lime. Here at Forbidden Peak Brewery we strive to meet perfection. The FPB brewers got together and decided our combination of a crisp lager-inspired ale and fresh lime juice needed a boost - like a slight backdrop of premium silver tequila! After all, tequila and lime go together just as well as a cold cervesa and lime. On extra hot days, Squatch encourages the use of a fresh lime wedge in the beer when drinking.

Hijole Limon translates roughly to "Wow, Lime!" This expression of excitement is a common reaction to the first sip of an ice cold Hijole Limon. The name Hijole Limon was chosen to celebrate our neighbors to the south. Too often when we think of the celebrated brewing cultures around the world we think of the northerners like the Germans, Irish, and Canadians, but leave out our good friends in Mexico. Each year tens of thousands of people from all around the world migrate to Mexico in the spring time to enjoy the quaint, fresh Mexican beer selection.

Squatch has many fond memories of visiting Mexico for a break from the frosty northern springs back in the early days. He enjoyed sitting on the beach, sipping a beer, and splashing in the once crystal clear ocean waters. He hung out with friends, went to his first "Foam Party", rode in the most amazing golf carts he'd even seen, had fantastic fresh lobster & tequila, and discovered that you can pretty much make good beer anywhere in the world. As Squatch gets along in years, he often finds himself daydreaming of the adventures he had in Mexico. Longing for a flavor in beer that could enhance those memories was his goal when he came to the crew at FPB with the concept of Hijole Limon. ¡Mas cervezas por favor!


Thursday, June 5, 2008


Collaboration Ale marks the beginning of another "fun" service at Forbidden Peak Brewery. FPB was asked to team up with Geoteaming (a company that builds leadership & team skills through technology and adventure using GPS) to create a label & FPB beer specific for their company adventures and excursions.

Working closely with Geoteaming President & Director of Fun Adam Hitch, the staff at FPB was able to create a label that stems from the 5 important points of a team building compass- Collaboration, Leadership, Trust, Communication, and BEER! What better way to finish a team-building exercise than to find the "treasure" chest of ice cold Collaboration Ale at the end.

This marks an exciting time at Forbidden Peak and our first official collaboration with another company. FPB has and will continue to engage with other "net positive" organizations throughout the Pacific Northwest. Remember that fun is our goal, and getting people organized in social and active lifestyles in the outdoors is our purpose.



Forbidden Peak Brewery is proud to introduce our latest beer to the family- The Graduate IPA. In commemoration of Dr. Sara (ie Dr. Hops) the crew at Forbidden Peak has put together a beer that competes with other world class IPA's.

The Graduate is a deep copper-gold color and has a big white head. An exciting fruity hop aroma lingers off the top of the beer. The flavor is initially dominated by hopiness, but is followed by a balanced hop and malt combination. The aftertaste is long, crisp, and leaves a dry hop flavor in your mouth. Satisfying, yet stirring demand for more.

During one of Squatch's voyages around the world (normally void of beer, due to the inability for beer to keep that long), a young man approached him with a pint of beer in a wooden chalice. Flabergasted that the beer had not spoiled, had a fantastic strong hop flavor, and seemed to have a very high alcohol percentage, Squatch was immediately drawn to this so called "IPA". Over the course of several weeks at sea, Squatch had picked this young man's brain enough to try the recipe back in the Cascades.

As fate would have it, this young man was George Hodgson from the Bow Brewery in East London- the creator of the India Pale Ale. George had a pleasant pale ale at his brewery, but in order for beer to keep longer, he experimented with adding more hops and increasing the amount of alcohol in his pale. This beer became the staple for long voyages, especially ones to India (hence the name India Pale Ale).

Little Known Fact: No breweries in India currently brew India Pale Ales.

Dr. Hops is graduating with a Doctorate in Physical Therapy from the University of Washington. A long, hard fought battle through various schools & programs now comes to an epic end. This beer was made to thank Dr. Hops in advance, for taking care of all the crew at Forbidden Peak.


Thursday, May 29, 2008

Forbidden Peak Brewery Brings Home Skookum's Gold

Forbidden Peak Brewery: Award Winning Beer!
The FPB Crew recently returned from a glorious weekend in Haines, Alaska at the 16th Annual Great Alaska Homebrew and Craft Beer Festival. The Crew traveled north with expectations of enjoying a few pints in the beautiful southeast Alaska sunshine, but came away with much more. Forbidden Peak Brewery celebrated its 8-month anniversary by being awarded the gold medal in the American Ale category for our Arctic Beaver Brown, and a silver medal in the English, Scottish, and Irish Ales category for our Red Storm.
There were a total of 76 entries in the home brew competition, making the event an officially sanctioned American Homebrew Association event.
Congratulations to FPB and the entire Crew who made it out support the beer!!!

A big congratulations and shout-out is also in order to Brant and Jamie, who took home the bronze medal in the English, Scottish, and Irish Ales, and also spent the weekend judging beers. (We had an elaborate scheme set up to bribe them, but then realized they don't know what categories or whose beers they are judging)
It was an inspiring weekend for the FPB marketing department, including the birth of the "Forbidden Peak Girls". Look for the calendar coming out next Christmas. May will always be the month of the Gold Spot!

Mid-way through an exhaustive search for Skookum's grave, the Crew decided to kick back and take in the scenery in sunny Southeast, AK.

Last but certainly not least, a big THANK YOU from the entire Crew goes to John and Julie, for hosting an impressive turnout of the Seattle and Juneau contingent, and for sponsoring the epic Great Beer and Lawn Games Tournament. That's the Ladder!!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Forbidden Kegerator Hits Gold

Forbidden Peak Brewery unveiled the Forbidden Kegerator on Saturday night, much to the pleasure of those who were able to make the event. On tap at the festival were Skookum's Gold and Hogshead Amber, and Fear Liath was available in bottles.

The brewer of gold.
The master of pong.
Cousin Skookum's the one.
Who mastered it all.
We miss the good stories
And his jolly big laugh;
But don't shed a tear
For Skookum's always here
His legacy and spirit live on
As long as there is beer pong.
So fill your pint with gold,
The greatest beer ever sold.
And clink your friend's glass,
As you dream of conquering Chilkoot Pass.

-Squatch 1899

The Forbidden Pong Table was also introduced at the party. The combination of Skookum's Gold and pong was a force to be reckoned with. A grueling beer pong tourney ensued and few survived the harsh reality of real competition.

Team Eli and Justin held their own for a few rounds, but were too busy posing for the Forbidden Peak press to worry about the game.

Chair Umpire Myer was quick to elaborate on the official Skookum rules and was also helpful in keeping the JaegerSquirrel at bay.

Nathan, Dean, and Miranda were awe-inspired by the gamesmanship being shown on the table. "That a Man!" is all Miranda could muster as the the Champion Killers Chris and Galen were finally able to take out Myer and Skye.

A new Forbidden Peak Glass Boot was introduced to the brewery- thanks Peder, Allison, & Brady! Das boot looks better in gold.

Thanks to the extended brew crew family for helping make the introduction of the Forbidden Kegerator a great success. The screening of the "Outdoorsmen" brought a humorous and lively end to the evening- thanks Nathan and Miranda!

Although it will take a few weeks to get Skookum's back on tap, it's popularity requires us to do so immediately. What's next on tap? Look for Secret Spot Summer to be available next week.

Next week the staff at Forbidden Peak Brewery (minus Rob, who will hold down the fort) will all head up to Haines, Alaska to enter the prestigious Great Alaskan Craft Beer and Homebrew Festival. The crew will take a day to commemorate Skookum and will bring his grave site a pint of gold.